New Jersey Council of the Blind - Calendar

Listed below is the calendar for the statewide council please check the local chapter pages and the Chronicle for local events

NJCB 2024 - 2025 Event Calendar

Saturday July 27, 2024: The NJCB quarterly meeting will be held by conference call from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Call 719-300-3278, no passcode required. Details are in the July Chronicle.

Saturday October 26, 2024: NJCB Quarterly Meeting Time and Location TBD

Saturday January 25, 2025: NJCB Quarterly Meeting Time and Location TBD

Saturday April 26, 2025: NJCB Quarterly Meeting Time and Location TBD

Send an e-mail to the New Jersey Council of the Blind at, or phone 609-672-7059 if you have questions.

Send an email to the NJCB Webmaster at, if you have questions about this website.