This publication is edited by the members of The New Jersey Council of the Blind and available on standard speed cassette tape, 3.5 inch diskettes, in large print and now via Email. Due to the generosity of the Lions Club, Housing and United Services donates the materials, duplicates and sends out the cassette and large print versions of the Chronicle. We thank them for their generosity. Cassette tapes, diskettes, E-mail or large print copies are sent free to members. A fee of $5 per year is requested from non-members. E-mail copies will be sent free to anyone upon request. The cassette tapes are yours to keep.
We appreciate your tax deductible donations to The New Jersey Council of the Blind, Inc. Mail any donations to our treasurer, Robert Lucas (address listed below). You may also mention us in your Last Will and Testament.
Please send any articles, request for change in format or tax deductible donations to: Ottilie or Robert Lucas, 520 Ewingville Rd., Ewing, NJ 08638, E-mail to or call (609) 882-2446.
In order to have your article in the next issue; it must be received no later than June 1st.
The next quarterly meeting of NJCB will be on April 29, 2006 at the Monmouth County Association for the Blind's Club House at the corner of Belmar Blvd. and Allenwood Road. Lunch will be served at noon and the general business meeting will be at 1 PM. The day's activities will be over about 4 PM. Call Elizabeth Walzer at (732) 492-6927 to ensure that Monmouth County Association for the Blind, the host chapter, will have sufficient refreshments for all attending.
Directions: From the Garden State Parkway:
Get off at exit 98 onto Rt. 138 east.
After first traffic light take jug handle marked Glendola.
Cross Rt. 138 onto Allenwood Rd.
Clubhouse is on the left corner of Allenwood Rd. and Belmar Blvd. Parking is across the street.
From Rt. 195 East:
Route 195 east becomes Rt. 138 east. Follow above directions.
From Rt. 18 South:
Get off at exit to Rt. 195 heading to Trenton
Allenwood Road is at second traffic light.
Clubhouse is on the corner.
From Rt. 35 South:
Turn right onto Belmar Blvd.
Clubhouse is 2 miles on left.
Hello All,
As I write this it is winter and there is snow on the ground.
Our next NJCB quarterly meeting will be in the spring. It will be held on Saturday, April 29th, at the Monmouth County Association for the Blind (MCAFB) clubhouse in Belmar.
The meeting will be from noontime until 4 PM. We will begin with lunch immediately followed by the business meeting. The Executive Board meeting will be a conference call meeting scheduled for an evening prior to the NJCB quarterly meeting date.
I want to thank the MCAFB for hosting the spring quarterly meeting. Details and directions to this location are in the previous article.
Anyone considering attending the ACB National Convention in Jacksonville in July and who would like to be one of our state delegates should contact me. I can be called at (609) 912-0657 or emailed at
The Constitution Committee will be presenting a revision of the NJCB Constitution at the April Quarterly Meeting at Monmouth County Association's Clubhouse on April 29th. They have gone over the 2002 version and cleared up some language inconsistencies.
Come to the meeting to hear the proposed changes. The revision will be in the July issue of the NJCB Chronicle and we should be able to vote on it at our July 22nd meeting at Camp Happiness in Leonardo.
The committee is made up of: President, Lauren Casey, Bill Dougherty, Jim Dougherty and Ottilie Lucas. Bob Lucas assisted with reading.
Start saving your money and put October 27th & 28th on your calendar for our 2006 NJCB Convention. The Convention Committee is busy planning this year's program. Lauren Casey and Michael Marrazzo are setting up the program. They are tentatively setting up a program for Friday evening as well as all day Saturday. The theme is "Transition". This will feature several transition stages in people's lives regardless to when your vision impairment began and where you are in your adjustment.
Tom Jackson will be getting the exhibitors. Frank and Joyce Schack will be in charge of registration. Your checks and registration forms will be sent to the Schacks.
Please gather up some door prizes or prizes to be raffled off. We thank the Chapters in advance for their faithful contribution of cash gifts for door prizes.
We were able to keep the cost at $25.00 for a continental breakfast and sit down luncheon. The registration will also stay the same at $15.00. You can't get more for your money.
The registration form and more details will be in the July issue of the NJCB Chronicle.
Now is the time to mark it on your calendar.
The Trenton Elks again invite any blind person in New Jersey and a guest to a dinner on Sunday, May 21st to their hall on Decou Ave. in West Trenton. They are gracious hosts and serve a delicious dinner. We will eat, dance, sing and have a wonderful time. Don't miss it. It is one of the highlights of the year!
Date: Sunday May 21, 2006
Time: 1:00 to 4:00 PM
Place: Trenton Elks Lodge, 42 Decou Ave. in West Trenton (the cross street is Parkway Ave.) (609) 771-0105.
Make your reservations by phoning Ottilie Lucas at (609) 882-2446 by May 10th.
From the North:
Take Rt. 31 South; turn right onto Rt. 95 South one mile south of the Pennington Circle. Get off at exit 2 turning right toward West Trenton, Turn left at the second traffic light (West Upper Ferry Road). Turn right onto Decou Ave. where road bends right. If you go under the railroad overpass, you've gone too far. The Elks Lodge is on the left where Decou Avenue bends to the right.
Take Rt. 1 South and take Rt. 95 South after Mercer Mall on right and Quaker Bridge Mall on left.
Get off at exit 2 and follow above directions.
From the East:
Take Rt. 195 West to Rt. 295 North, which becomes Rt. 95 South. Get off at exit 2 and follow the above directions.
From the South:
Take Rt. 206, Rt. 130, Rt. 295 or Turnpike north to Bordentown. Pick up Rt. 295 North, which becomes Rt. 95 South. Get off at exit 2 and follow the above directions. Have a safe trip and we hope to see you there.
Saturday, June 3, 2006, 11:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Grounds for Sculpture, 18 Fairgrounds Road, Hamilton, NJ 08619
Braille Literacy Through The Arts is an exciting new event sponsored in partnership by the NJ Library for the Blind and Handicapped (NJLBH), the Grounds For Sculpture, and the Department of Human Services Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired, with cooperation from the National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey and the New Jersey Council of the Blind. The event will provide touch tours of sculpture and other art appreciation activities specially designed for individuals with visual impairments. This event is free and registration is open to all who are blind, visually impaired, or a NJ Library for the Blind and Handicapped customer. Many of the activities will be limited admission. Because of space limitations, preference for individual program events will be given to attendees who are blind or visually impaired. Each registrant may invite up to three guests.
Receipt deadline for registrations is April 21, 2006.
REGISTRATION FORMS are available at or by calling NJLBH at 1-800-792-8322. Your registration will not be complete until your form and payment for box lunches (if ordered) is received.
The NJ Library for the Blind and Handicapped's Summer Reading Club for 2006 will be "Paws, Claws, Scales & Tales" for the younger readers & "Creature Feature" for the older readers. Our big end of the summer event will be held on Saturday, August 19, 2006 at LBH, 2300 Stuyvesant Ave., Trenton, NJ 08625 at 11 a.m. Save the date & look for more information soon on our website at
Remember, the Summer Reading Club may be used as the major criterion when the Library needs to select a limited number of youth members for a special event, such as free admission to Disney on Ice and the circus, so encourage eligible children to sign up for the Summer Reading Club today!
Nine children won gift certificates and one very lucky girl also won a grand prize trip to Disney World at the Medieval Faire held at the NJLBH on Saturday, August 20, 2005 to celebrate the end of the 2005 Summer Reading Club. Children ages 5 - 18 read books on the theme of "Dragons, Dreams & Daring Deeds" and "Joust Read" and wrote an essay based on how the challenges a character faced from one of the books they read related to their own lives. These essays were judged according to five different reading levels and each winner received a gift certificate donated by the Board of Trustees of the NJ Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired and Wal-Mart of Princeton. All winners were then entered into a grand prize raffle drawing for a trip for a family of four to Disney World. Grade 5 - 8 winner Melanie Reach was the grand prize winner of the trip for four to Disney World.
During Braille Literacy Month, on January 12, 2006, Disney on Ice generously offered selected blind or visually handicapped children and their families a private story reading, and a hands-on backstage "touch" tour at 4 p.m., dinner, and tickets to the 7 p.m. show that evening. This special media event was offered jointly through Feld Entertainment and Trenton's NJLBH.
The Adjustment to Vision Loss Project ( AVL) was developed to address the issues of those living with the loss of vision. It is a unique, multi-faceted program designed to assist residents of 14 counties in Northern and Central New Jersey in adjusting to the loss of vision, through their involvement in peer support groups, as well as linkage with mental health consultants and other professionals who have been trained to understand their special needs.
AVL has two main components:
AVL is administered and now totally housed at Heightened Independence and Progress (hip). All AVL services are offered free of charge since they are fully funded by the New Jersey Commission for the Blind and Visually Impaired.
In conjunction with the Adjustment to Vision Loss Project, our own Tom and Barbara Jackson report that the Hawkin Hawkeyes enjoyed a wonderful holiday party in January that was hosted by John and Margaret Reynolds in Manahawkin. John, a long-time Hawkeye member, proved to be a wonderful host and an excellent cook.
Also, there were several visits from Ocean County Senior Services. Marie-Elena O'Connor and Lois Yuhasz gave out important information about Medicare D and staying healthy. They learned that the Silver Sneaker fitness program is available to those on Medicare.
The Hawkeyes welcomed new member Minnie Kyle as a result of Barbara's noticing her having trouble at the checkout counter in the Pathmark. Following up on a request from NJCB to contact Summerville, an assisted Living establishment in Manahawkin, they anticipate having a few new members this coming spring.
The Hawkeyes are planning a luncheon sometime in the spring, also.
BIG AMC MOPIX NEWS. AMC Theaters is now listing its accessible films and show times around the country each week on one easy-to-find and easy-to-bookmark page of its site. Here's the direct link, enjoy the films at these 73 MoPix-equipped AMC locations!
Link to the full list of MoPix-equipped theater locations at
As several theater chains are now listing accessible films and show times on their Web sites, we want to take this opportunity to provide you with those site addresses. Helpful hint, some chains require you to know which theater in your area is equipped prior to finding the info on their sites. For a full list of MoPix locations, searchable by state, first go to and link to "View Theaters".
AMC Theatres:
CEC Theatres: (link to state, and then theater)
Clearview Cinemas:
Consolidated Theatres:, link to RWC/DVS on left side of home page
Crown Theatres:
Empire Theatres (Canada): (link to province, then to theater)
Loews Cineplex (US locations):
Loews Cineplex/Famous Players theatres (Canada):
National Amusements Showcase Cinemas and Cinema de Lux locations: (link to state, and then theater)
Additional chains with MoPix systems are not yet listing MoPix-accessible film information on their sites at this time: Carmike Theatres, Celebration Cinemas (A Jack Loeks Company), Douglas Theaters, Malco Theatres, Mann Theatres and Megaplex Theaters.
You can access all published 2006 issues of the Federal Register at
The Federal Register is the Official Publication of Record for all Federal Government entities related to their Meeting Announcements, Rule Making Processes, Notices/Advisories for Public Comment related to their Public Policy Actions and related topical information requiring Public Notification.
The site is "user friendly"; when using access technology and, the Federal entities are listed alphabetically for ease of access.
Submitted by James J. Elekes, M.Ed, MPA/CPM
Presidential Appointee/Public Member
United States Access Board
888.564.8430 (Voice/Fax)
TTY users are encouraged to contact their State's Relay Center or, the Federal Relay Service (FRS) for this assistance.
The Division on Civil Rights invites you to take a look at the following new information now available. The "Director's Order Compendium for 2005"; is now available on their website at:
This Compendium provides a listing an explanation of all Directors Orders/Final Agency Decisions from 2005. Additionally, they have now made available for free downloading, a copy of the NJ Law Against Discrimination, the NJ Family Leave Act, and the NJ Administrative Code section that comprise the Rules of Practice & Procedure before the DCR. These are available at:, in the section identified as "Laws, Regulations and Policies."
Enhanced Vision of Huntingdon Beach, California has a product known as the Amigo. This innovative product enables people with low vision to adjust magnification without moving the Amigo away from the reading material. It is simple to use-just place it directly on the material and adjust the magnification by a turn of the dial. Users are able to read prices tags, restaurant menus, ingredients and directions wherever they go with this new high powered video magnifier. The key features of the Amigo include digital magnification from 3.5X to 14X, a screen tilting function that gives the user the flexibility to view images at a comfortable angle, a freeze frame that allows the user to take a temporary picture, a removable standard battery with internal charger (spare battery included), six viewing modes (including two Color Select options), a writing stand and carrying case, connections to TVs for increased magnification and a two year warranty. Call them at (888) 811-3161 with questions or to set-up a FREE product demonstration. is their web address.
LOCAL AUTHOR PUBLISHES TWO NEW BOOKS. Lois Wencil, a guide dog user from New Jersey has two more books released. The Outcasts is a historical romance. Its setting is Lenape Hoking from 1609-13. Our heroine is a Native American. The second is Destiny's Song. This contemporary romance has a heroine who is a country and western singer. Jillian must learn that first loves are best. Both hero and heroine in this book are blind and of course have guide dogs. Lois's website is accessible. The books can be ordered in html and read with Microsoft word. Do visit her site for excerpts, blurbs, and more. It is:
FREE CONFERENCE CALLING. The NJCB Executive Board has used a conference calling service that is virtually free. Most of us have free unlimited long distance dialing or use a calling card that has a minimal charge for long distance calls. The conference calls are free to NJCB. We used it at least four times between October and February. We then had to reactivate our Access Code which is now permanent.
This is how it works:
We get a notice out to set the date and time for our call. Each person dials an assigned long distance phone number and when prompted puts in our access code followed by the pound key. This brings one right into the call. There are several options that can be used to monitor the callers.
If you or your organization has the need to have a conference call and your participants do not mind a toll call, if applicable, try
We have found it to be convenient and very helpful.
ACB of Central New Jersey has elected new officers. They are: David Zulli, president, Michelle Zulli, treasurer, Bernie Zuckerman, vice president And Linda Salzmann secretary.
They also voted to reduce their dues from $15 to $10 per year.
NJBCA/CAMP HAPPINESS The Art Program for the Blind is in full swing, and class size has already doubled to two groups of eight. Taught by a master's level art teacher currently working with blind children in Philadelphia, participants have done self portraits and worked with various media. They are turning out some pretty amazing work. The press covered this program on February 14th with a photographer present. This is a groundbreaking effort for NJBCA, and we are thrilled with the great reception this program has received. On the heels of this initiative is a job development program, hosting the blind from the central region of the state. The program focuses on teaching job research and application, computer skills and interviewing skills. NJBCA is moving forward with its renaissance, providing important and creative programs for New jersey's blind and visually impaired population. Please direct questions to Doug Scott, Executive Director at 732-291-0878.
The Mercer County Association of the Blind enjoyed hosting the January quarterly meeting of NJCB. At their February meeting, they had an informative presentation by Maryann Isaac from Interfaith Caregivers of Trenton. Several of our members have benefited from their volunteers and several more plan to apply. We had a speaker from Independent Transportation Network, ITN, at our March meeting. This is a pilot project of a 24/7 transportation program in the greater Trenton area for the seniors and Blind. It will be another option to Access Link and TRADE for our Mercer residents.
Saturday, April 20, 2006: Mercer CAB April meeting at the Trinity United Methodist Church at 1985 Pennington Road from 7:30 to 9:30 PM. Call (609) 882-2446 for further details.
Saturday, April 29, 2006: NJCB quarterly meeting At the Monmouth County Association for the Blind's Club House. (see meeting notice for details and directions.).
Saturday, May 6, 2006: ACB of CNJ meeting at JKRC. See prior notice.
Thursday, May 18, 2006: Mercer CAB Meeting from 7:30 to 9:30 PM.
Sunday, May 21, 2006: Annual Elks Dinner at the Trenton Elks on Decou Avenue in West Trenton (See above article).
Saturday, June 3, 2006: Braille Literacy Walk at the Grounds for Sculpture sponsored by The Library f/t Blind and Handicapped. See above article for more details.
Saturday, June 10, 2006: Friends of the Library meeting at the Library for the Blind and Handicapped from 10 AM to 1 PM.
Saturday, June 10, 2006: GSGDU meeting at the Library from 1 to 3 PM. Call Jean Cannella at (609) 587-3212 for more details
Thursday, June 15, 2006: Mercer CAB last meeting before summer recess.
Saturday, July 15, 2006: Mercer CAB picnic at the Lucas'. See above article.
Saturday, July 22, 2006: NJCB Quarterly Meeting at Camp Happiness in Leonardo. Watch for further details in July issue.
Friday and Saturday, October 27 & 28, 2006: The Annual NJCB Convention at the Palmer Inn in Princeton. Watch for details in future issues.
Remember that the Chronicle is your news bulletin. It can be only as good as you make it. We need information from our chapters, from individuals and from agencies and other outside groups and organizations, which serve the blind and visually impaired. If you have anything to submit, please mail it to Ottilie Lucas, 520 Ewingville Rd., Ewing, NJ 08638 or E-mail to by June 1st.
NOTE: Disclaimer. The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of the New Jersey Council of the Blind officers and/or members. The editor reserves the right to edit articles submitted for both space and content.
The officers of the New Jersey Council of the Blind are:
President-Lauren Casey of 153 Franklin Corner Road, Lawrenceville, NJ 08648, (609) 912-0657; First Vice President- Tom Jackson of 1001 Mariner Ave., Manahawkin, NJ 08050, (609) 597-8965; Second Vice President- Ottilie Lucas of 520 Ewingville Road, Ewing, NJ 08638, (609) 882-2446; Recording Secretary-Barbara Mayo of 59 Soloff Dr., Hamilton, NJ 08610, (609) 888-5702; Corresponding Secretary- April Smith of 1215 Silver Ct. Hamilton Square, NJ 08690, (609) 586-3689; and Treasurer- Robert Lucas of 520 Ewingville Rd., Ewing, NJ 08638, (609) 882-2446.